Students Host Symposia

Students Host Symposia

A Funding Offer by Humboldt-Universitäts-Gesellschaft

Deutsch | English

Since late 2012, HUG has been supporting students in organising academic symposia. It is our aim to give them an opportunity to promote their academic work and to extend and strengthen their academic network.

Interdisciplinarity and diversity are two of our top priorities. Applicants are encouraged to network beyond their respective departments and find co-applicants from other departments or universities. Speakers at a symposium should always be recruited with an interdisciplinary approach in mind.

Up to two student symposia every semester will be funded with a maximum of € 5,000. Alongside members of HU and HUG, the Jury evaluating the applications also consists of students!

Applications And Deadlines

The deadline for applications is 3rd July 2022.

Who Can Apply?

Students of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin can apply together with one or more co-applicants from another faculty, another university or academic institution. The funding offer is aimed at both undergraduates and postgraduates.

What Kinds of Symposia Can Be Funded?

The symposia must take place at Humboldt-Universität, be of high academic quality and, if possible, address as broad an academic audience as possible (e.g. by means of an interdisciplinary orientation, the linking of research and practice or cooperation to other academic institutions). Ideally, the symposium will promote academic networking of the applicants beyond their respective departments. The symposium should include space for active contributions by students – for example in the shape of students contributing as speakers. The format should be a platform for active and critical discussion.

Who Evaluates Applications?

The decision on incoming applications is made by a jury consisting of: 

  • the Vice President of HU
  • the head of the bologna.lab of HU
  • two qualified student representatives appointed by the university
  • a representative of HUG

The jury’s decision is final. Legal recourse is excluded.

Notes on the Application Process


  • Signed application form for a student symposium
  • Exposé
  • Letter of consent issued by the head of the faculty and/or institute (comp. form)
  • Proof of provision of a room and the the necessary equipment (comp. form)
  • Studienbescheinigung of the main applicant

Notes on the Exposé

The symposium should be presented in the form of an exposé of at least two and no more than four pages, addressing the following aspects

  • Research question(s) and context
  • Interdisciplinarity and international diversity
  • Target group: Which group of participants are to be addressed by the symposium? How many participants are expected to attend the event(s)?
  • Schedule
  • Invited speakers (details on speakers, status: pending/confirmed)
  • How will students be involved in the organisation and execution of the symposium?
  • Time and budget (tabular format)
  • Planned evaluation of the event


The application must be submitted digitally as a single PDF file to by the application deadline. Please note the order of submission listed above under „Requirements“. If there already are posters, flyers or other printed publications, please submit five copies. Before applying, please take note of our Nebenbedingungen for student symposia. These are only to be submitted if your application gets approved.

If you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact us. We strongly recommend submitting your documents at least one week before the deadline. This way, you will have the opportunity to receive feedback from us including possible suggestions in order to refine your application. 


Jannes Bergmann